Dornier Do217E5 anti-shipping bomber for Fs9

thanks Shessi, very nice, where would these fly from ?, i figured Hs293's were only used operationally in the Med :encouragement:
Cheers Gents,
Ian, this is a II/KG100 ac, and KG100 were all over the place, but in '43 with 217 E5's it was Cognac then Istres and then Toulouse-Blagnac.

A quick look on Google earth show's Istres (Le Tube AB, LFMI in sim ) is on the Med coast and a very nice part of the world to fly from :encouragement:
Do 217 E-5 Maendertarnung

Hallo Huub,
pleased that you like this paint sheme.
In fact I hoped to incinate others as you to make akurate repaints for this bird.
This one was realy just a fiddling to see how she would look.
I will not publish it - it is realy not accurate enough.
Huub please ! Do it !
I read that Do217 E's have been also based at Vannes Meucon , just about 60km from my home in brittany.
Missions over the bay of biskaya seem to be flown from Cognac