Double entries in tab for Select Aircraft


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Hi folks,
Just a brief question.
First, v 1.4 is working fine and some nice improvement, IMHO.
I went to select an aircraft for a flight this afternoon, and I'm showing double entries for a couple of planes. PMDG JS4100 - shows 1. PMDG 4100 2. PMDG 4100 (Bae)
1. Boeing 737 2. PMDG - Boeing
I have checked my Sim Objects Folder, along with checking in the app data, where there is another Sim Objects, and I can see no reason to have two entries for these aircraft.
Any ideas as to removing the second entries. BOTH entries have the same planes listed.
Thanks and have a blessed one.
Hey Tom,

You might have a folder in there that is a copy, renamed something like Copy of PMDG Boeing 747 (or something like that).
It is very hard to have a copy of the same airtcraft because both FSX and P3D check names and will warn you if two planes have the same name.

What P3D does and FSX doesn't is that it lists every single aircraft livery as if it were anothe aircraft. My advice is to select each individual option and see what aircraft livery is loaded.
I have not had any screens on start-up saying there are multiple entries of .............
I'll look at the aircraft in "select aircraft" and see what individual liveries are shown.
I'll report back later. Thanks so very much folks for your replies.
Have a blessed day.
Found the problem.
In the respective aircraft folder, the ones with the problem:
I opened and went through the aircraft.config and under the line ui-manufacturer - Some entries were capitalized and others were lower case letters. I changed them ALL to lower case and that resolved the problem.
After you folks said that P3D loads the planes as a complete new livery, well, it caused me to really take a good look...and resolve it.
Thanks so much and have a blessed day.