"Double" spawn


Charter Member
Pretty much have the ship-spawns figured out for my campaign, just one
little hitch though. In my battle-groups I'll have 3 big leaders,(1carrier,1battle
and 1cruiser), after I have destroyed the last one,another will be underneath.

Anyone have the idea for this cause? The double wont always be the
same ship either.
Hi Wyld,

I'am not really the specialist, but your story brought 2 thoughts in my mind (yes only 2, for the rest I'am braindead :)):

1. there is a checkbox: only spawns once (or something like that). If you don't, the spwan will activate every time you fly around and the sea will be full of ships.
2. Some ETO carriers you can land on: when you approach them they "sink"so that that the deck is on the same level as the sea. Can it have something to do with that?

Oh .. and there is a 3rd thought (my brain has an active day): is it possible that you placed to facilities on top of eachother in the Mission Builder? (That happens to me sometimes)

I hope this gives you some direction to solve the problem.

This would be spawns for the campaign. Now I did go back into one of the files where I had something
like this;
<Unit Repeat="2" Type="#carrier" />
<Unit Repeat="1" Type="#battle"/>
<Unit Repeat="2" Type="#cruiser"/>
<Unit Repeat="5" Type="#auxiliary"/> In the original file, there would be "2"#destroyer
then you would have all those "Auxiliarys". But instead of 2 separate positions in the trail,they're
together. I just reduced the battle-group ships to one per spawn group.

So far I havent had another double. I'll know more after I've played it this weekend. <<S>>