Double vision AI??


Charter Member
I am having a small issue. I call it "double vison AI" I am getting double my AI from the HTAI Cessna setup. Can anyone tell me how this happened? I haven't modified it or anything. I've done a search of all my flight plans trying to find double flightplans and there are none.

Any ideas?
Skyhawk, is it at one particular airport or everywhere?

I've had the same issue only with ProjectAI packs and only at Seattle-Tacoma and only at one point in the day. At 16:30, don't try to taxi to take-off as there will be dozens of flights arriving...just arriving not taking off! It's quite a sight....:mixedsmi:
I had the same problem with an add-on scenery that included AI. Seems the author built a whole bunch of flights in but if there were only so many available aircraft it just reused them before they disappeared.

if you have ( or get ) TrafficTools you can look through the flightplans and see if a bunch got duplicated or overlapped - hopefully at only one location or one a/c -
Ok....well.....figured it out. I had instzlled a New Zealand traffic package and it included for some reason the original HTAI Cessna .bgl and it was named different, along with the NZ .bgl file. I deleted this double .bgl and all is good.

Now, after doing some looking I noticed something else with the AFCAD for KHIO. It seems for some reason when the airport was done they neglected alot of connecting of parking spots to taxi lines. I was wondering why some of my planes would disappear upon landing and why when I landed they would just tell me to taxi to parking and not telling me where. It couldn't tell me because it did not recognize any avialable spots since they were not connected to the taxi lines. I'm going to modify and see if this helps.
Ok....well.....figured it out. I had instzlled a New Zealand traffic package and it included for some reason the original HTAI Cessna .bgl and it was named different, along with the NZ .bgl file. I deleted this double .bgl and all is good.

In case anyone else installs the GNZLAP package, this from the readme:
4. Remove the HTAI traffic file Traffic_HTAI_CSEP.bgl in "\Flight Simulator 9\Scenery\World\scenery" that comes with the HTAI software. This contains default traffic that will show up in NZ as well. This GNZLAP package contains a stripped-down default world traffic file which excludes NZ.
You should use the replacement traffic file as it still allows AI in the rest of the world, without clashing with the NZ custom AI.