Dover wip

Pat Pattle

I managed to put a bit of time into the BoB install this weekend, here's a wip shot of 'Hellfire Corner'. Dover castle and harbour.

Still a fair bit of tidying up to do, have just noticed some floating buildings!

Lovely work there Clive!

I really like how you've used Google Earth pics as the ground texs. You can reduce the 3D elements, and still it looks like the real thing. Dover Castle is huge, multi-levelled and spread out, so would be a real b%gger to build completely.

You've got the Victorian style terraced houses spot on, and the harbour is beautifully populated....I could really see this enhancing other sims....;)


The BoB expansion has most of my interest along with the eastern front(hopefully one day). Looking forward to the updated version of the BoB. So many CFS3 expansions it's hard to play them all as much as i want to!! All that's left is the eastern front and just about everything will be covered . Who knew CFS3 would have so much life to it !!Thanks to all the hard work the masters put into this sim. Thanks Pat and all involved in the BoB expansion . Best regards,Scott

Cripes, laddie.... that's more like it:applause:

Are you encountering the floating stuff at all viewing angles?
(good luck w/ this!)
might it be possible to make it operational in FS2004 ?

It's made in Gmax so if anyone wants the source model when I'm done I think they could convert it to fs2004 or cfs2 for that matter.

Will this be a part of the new/updated BoB install due out in a few months ?

Yes :)
Excited about the new update for the Battle of Britain expansion . Thank you for all the work and time spent on the wonderful update . The most important battle in Europe . With out we could never had launched the D-Day invasion .