
Pat Pattle

More wip stuff, this is Dover. The port is only represented by a generic facility in stock CFS3 and the ETO.

Known as 'Hellfire corner' during the Battle of Britain I thought we ought to have something more realistic for the BoB install as a lot of action took part over the port.

Lots of tweaking still required but its getting there slowly. The cfs3 coastline is slightly wrong in this area so it's a best fit.


Beautiful work, indeed. Wasn't aware of size of port, significance. Can well see the cliffs in LZ's shots, too. (Guess port would be visible from a long way out.)

that's taking things to a new level Clive. :medals:
Do you know if the current Dover port facility (eg as set out in ETO) is based on Flashgordon's early work on his BoB era global layer? Just wondering how far back the current set of English ports go.

Do you know if the current Dover port facility (eg as set out in ETO) is based on Flashgordon's early work on his BoB era global layer? Just wondering how far back the current set of English ports go.

Have just checked and Dover isn't in the stock sim. Gordon used the GC ports pack in his BoB Global layer which is what the ETO was based upon. I also used his GL in BoB.

His work and input was hugely important for cfs3 as he put a massive amount of historical infastructure in. If you examaine the GL in excell or notepad it reads like an appendix in a history book! I miss his contribution.
Wow! This looks Great! I can't wait to fly into this ..Oh yea!!
Thanks for your wonderful work..Bravo!!
:salute: :salute: :salute:
Where i can download Dover port ?

In Pat's Bob, something along the port's lines is in place. So the easiest way to see the port is to install the BoB install. However I am not sure if it is exactly as depicted in the thread. The port is made using a facility file (GB-GC_Dover_Harbour, and the facility file is listed in the global_layer.csv file in the Global Layer folder. There will also be some textures for the "white cliffs". These might be in the Assets folder, at a guess.