Down load manager for the new ETO add on


Charter Member
The new add on is a huge file 1.17 gig or so
Have had 2 failed attemps for one reason or another
Think a good link to a download manager would be a great help
Know there was a couple of post's in the past on this subject
But due to the recent crash , I fear many of us are left in the dark on this subject, So if any one can post 1 or more links on this subject i know everyone would greatly appreciate it.

THANKS DAN aka (Lightman)
Light--Try this--

Hi Lightman,
Try this:-

I got this off a Sim -Outhouse old thread and downloaded and installed one of these offered and it downloaded:-

----Solomans Campaign- Korean Skies and ETO with no problems whatsoever. Before that I was having trouble with MAW and found out ,a file corruption was stopping that installing, so a CD from a member sorted that.

Hope this hlps,

Bill T.