Download help


Just made a silly mistake ( unsteady Hands Today):isadizzy:
I downloaded the zipped ACM file but was unable to open it, so went back and used the open option in the box which appears to give the option to open or save. Unfortunately I unticked the small box below the open button and now all download files open with no option to save.
How do I get this option back? I tried a system restore to no avail.

Open any folder, then under Tools in the menu bar, click Folder Options. Go to the File Types menu and scroll down to ZIP. Click it, then you should have an Advanced button at the bottom. Click that and check the box that says Confirm open after download. That should do it for you.
Hi Tom, done that, find and open are both ticked....still no joy.

I can't remember what the small box actually said but it might have been always perform this action or like the tool tips hide option.

What web browser are you using?

If you are using firefox open it up and go to tools\options\main and you can change it to ask where to save each time or save to a specific location of your choice.
Using IE8, but I've just done a back up restore from my remote storeage
and every thing is back to normal.:applause:

Thanks for your help, my brain and extremities aren't functioning too well today.

You may have asked your OS to open with a particular program, the wrong program, eveytime. I've done that. My work around is to re-download and make sure the "open with" box is never ticked. Never ticked on any download or file, ever. I have successfully caused myself much agony regarding this issue in the past.

ps. I consider myself as fucntionally braindead much of the time.
A tip I picked up some time ago and have applied it to all the familly comps, always have to select what to open with after and not getting stuck with a wrong 0pener that will not work, only do it if confident in regedit

Here is a registry change that always opens the "Open With" menu with the box for "Always use this program ...." defaulted to unselected. If your like me then you would rather not have that option to "Always use this program ..." defaulted to Yes. Click on Start>Run, key in RegEdit and press enter. Double left click on each of these in the left pane. Once you've double left clicked on comand you'll see the setting in the right pane. Just right click on it and select Modify.


Add a space and %2 to the end of the command, for example

C:\WINDOWS\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL %1 %2
...only do it if confident in regedit...

Here is a registry change ...
And DO make a backup of the registry BEFORE you touch it. AFTER you've screwed it up with 1 tiny rogue entry you will re-install Windows, probably.