dpc_mig-15_xxx aircraft.cfg


Charter Member
having a look at the dpc_mig-15 aircraft.cfg and noticed they are two values for static_pitch and static_cg_height: static_pitch= 2.26//2.86 static_cg_height= 4.0//4.4
What is the purpose? If Iwould like to adjust the nose wheel height and prevent it from bouncing back which value should I use?
Lemmeessee now... pitch: the angle as if looking from the side in relation to the ground
...and cg=center of gravity and height to the ground gear down...
(gee, it made sense a minute ago but now?) :mixed-smiley-027:
good luck with contact points... I've been struggling with them for years ...with some success (?)

ps Some *.air files will have corresponding values on line 301 (the last two out of five entries)
but some *.air files won't have a line 301... :indecisiveness: (in which case the values in your aircraft.cfg should rule)
I'm using:

static_pitch= 3.15
static_cg_height= 3.95

The plane stays pretty still and the wheels compress the oleo struts as they come up slightly to the surface.
I've borrowed the G-Puff effect from the new Yak-15 and added it to the Mig-15.

First make sure these lines are in your effects.xml file.

<fx_Gtrail ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="g_puff"/>
<g_puff ClassName="ParticleEffect" EmitterShape="Point" EmitterRadius="0" EmitterLifetime="0" EmitterPosX="0.0" EmitterPosY="0.0" EmitterPosZ="0" ZBias="0.0" EmissionAngleHoriz="180" EmissionAngleVert="90" EmissionSpread=".01" EmissionRate="300" EmissionRateVar="100" InitialDelay="0" InitialCount="0" MinDistance="30" MaxDistance="10000" StopMethod="0" ZSort="0" UprightSprite="0" RandomStartRotation="1" RandomRotationDirection="1" Lifetime=".1" LifetimeVar="0" Speed="10" SpeedVar="3" MaxSpeed="600" MaxSpeedVar="0.0" Accel="0" AccelVar="0.0" AccelTime="0.0" Gravity="0" Drag="0" DragDelay="0.0" InheritVelocity=".96" Size=".4" SizeVar=".1" MaxSize=".00001" MaxSizeVar="0" GrowRate=".015" GrowRateVar="0" RotationRate="200" RotationRateVar="100" FadeInTime=".02" InitialColor="255 255 255" InitialAlpha="120" Color="150 150 150" Alpha="70" FadeOutTime=".6" FinalColor="100 100 100" FinalAlpha="0" Texture="cloudpuff.dds" BlendMode="QuadSprite"/>

Then add this to your Mig-15 xpd effects section

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_Gtrail" PosX="-2.75" PosY="0.0" PosZ="-2.75" MinVel="50" MaxVel="75"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_Gtrail" PosX="2.75" PosY="0.0" PosZ="-2.75" MinVel="50" MaxVel="75"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_Gtrail" PosX="-4.95" PosY="-0.1" PosZ="-3.5" MinVel="250" MaxVel="275"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_Gtrail" PosX="4.95" PosY="-0.1" PosZ="-3.5" MinVel="250" MaxVel="275"/>

This creates a low speed vapor puff to the mid wing fence between 100 and 150 mph and a transonic shock to the wing tips at 600 to 650.
MM. Thank you for these info:encouragement:.
I made this small adjustment to the f86 aircaft.cfg :point.0=1, 11, 0, -5.43, 1574, 0, 0.723154, 40.08, 0.206, 2.5, 0.78, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0
it made the front wheel stop jumping into place.