DR 1 Flight Characteristics



Can the new DR 1 flight model allow us to perform a flat half spin? Do you guys remember the Dogfights episode on Voss? I want to try some of that Jet Li wire fu out that Voss was famous for. By the way... excellent development team and community. You guys are all awesome! The sim is fantastic too. :amen:
Do well and be well,
That's always been my biggest gripe about the Dr1 in OFF! It can't do a flat turn. Some people say it couldn't be done in real life either but I am here to tell you I have seen it done live, in front of me, by a full scale Dr1 replica with a rebuilt Oberursel Rotary Engine in it!
That's always been my biggest gripe about the Dr1 in OFF! It can't do a flat turn. Some people say it couldn't be done in real life either but I am here to tell you I have seen it done live, in front of me, by a full scale Dr1 replica with a rebuilt Oberursel Rotary Engine in it!

.... yes it can be done in a R/L Dr.1, I have done it. Its fast an you will stall if not stopped in time. One set of wings looses lift while the others generate has high lift. Sort of like a helicopter blade. Rudder in flight is super sensitive. You also slow down quickly do to the side area of the fuselage, like doing a side slip, lots of forward energy lost.

A flat spin maneuver would be a real surprise to EA in OFF ....

I'm an Albatros man, and don't do flat spins (maybe because I don't even know what it is, so:)
What's a flat spin? And: can an Albatros do it? What is it good for?


PS: oh, and the recepy for Thom Kha Gai soup, anyone?
.... yes it can be done in a R/L Dr.1, I have done it. Its fast an you will stall if not stopped in time. One set of wings looses lift while the others generate has high lift. Sort of like a helicopter blade. Rudder in flight is super sensitive. You also slow down quickly do to the side area of the fuselage, like doing a side slip, lots of forward energy lost.

A flat spin maneuver would be a real surprise to EA in OFF ....


Hi WF2

If I recall correctly, you once put up a link to a video showing the flat spin being demonstrated. Do you still have the link?

My apologies if my memory has served me ill.



Another question for WF2- do you know why the Dr1 can do flat spins when other airplanes (like the Camel for instance) can't do them? Is it that the difference in lift between inner and outer wings is not as large as in other airplanes?

By the way, I know how patient WF2 has been about getting a Fokker D8 in Off so here's my offer- I'll donate a D8 Windsock Datafile to the person who models one. for P3.
Another question for WF2- do you know why the Dr1 can do flat spins when other airplanes (like the Camel for instance) can't do them? Is it that the difference in lift between inner and outer wings is not as large as in other airplanes?

By the way, I know how patient WF2 has been about getting a Fokker D8 in Off so here's my offer- I'll donate a D8 Windsock Datafile to the person who models one. for P3.

I believe the Dr1 can do it by virtue of it's rudder being the entire fin and it's very short fuselage.
I will try to find the video, no promises. We should, at this point, rephrase the terminology here.

The Dr.1 will do a flat turn like Voss did ... A P-39 will do a flat spin like a lot of dead pilots found out. Both very different.

Flat turn, full power, kick and hold full rudder with a little opposite aileron to keep wings level. Planes with wings having as little to no dihedral do best.

I only "flew" the Dr.1 twice (in P2) so far, but learnt quickly, that she can turn incredibly tight (Camels had no chance!). So, what is a flat turn good for - it can't be as tight as a turn, or can it?
I only "flew" the Dr.1 twice (in P2) so far, but learnt quickly, that she can turn incredibly tight (Camels had no chance!). So, what is a flat turn good for - it can't be as tight as a turn, or can it?

Picture this. An Se5a is chasing a Dr1 all of the sudden the Dr1 is facing head on with the Se5a without any loss of altitude and no banking!

Oh yeah! it's tighter than a conventional "turn".