

Charter Member
I am having a problem with this A/C, In Maw, Q/C it registers under the german flag with the name g.50 R.A
the XDP file goes like this:
<UnitData><General Allegience="1" LongName="Macchi MC 200 Vosilla" ShortName="Mc 200 Vosilla" ModelName="DR_MC200_Vosilla.m3d" BlastDamageScale="1.0" ImpactDamageScale="1.0" FireDamageScale="1.0" Priority="1" Type="moving" EnteredService="07/28/1943" LeftService="12/31/1955" BlastDamageMod="1" ImpactDamageMod="1" FireDamageMod="1" Category="fighter_bomber" Country="Italy" AllowSpawn="y" InfoURL="aircraft\DR_MC200_cVosilla\help\AvHistoryInfo_DR_MC200_Vosilla.htm" ChecklistURL="aircraft\DR_MC200_cVosilla\help\AvHistoryInfo_DR_MC200_Vosilla.htm"/>
I would like this aircraft to fly under the Italy country and to register as Mc 200 Vosilla, so what else should I modify in the .XDP file?

PS. I tried erasing the default.bdp with no success
The DR_MC200_Vosila seems to be linked to the Fiat_G50_CAI.
When prompted both planes have the same skin: "G.50 20 Gruppo".
I checked the Vosila .m3d file and it uses the DR_MC200_04t.dds texture.
The Vocila obstinatly keeps on showing up in the german country, even afther deleting both .bdp.:dizzy:
I had some similar weirdness once and tracked it down to a second copy lurking in the Shared folder. What was odd about that was that sometimes the plane would load from one location, and sometimes the other, so the changes I was making acted like they were being undone randomly.
Found it !!:pop4: :biggrin-new: The reason I was getting :I am having a problem with this A/C, In Maw, Q/C it registers under the german flag with the name g.50 R. is that the air file in the ai mode was value 2 in line 105 instead of 0 thus the ai plane was showing up in the listing and since I wanted the plane to spawn I had the ai registered under germany... Voilà!
As for the DR_MC200_Voicilla I gess it was there all of the time....should of have a better look.:dizzy: