drag chute


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I am trying to have an operational drag chute for an aircraft I am developing and I have seen numerous aircraft that give credit to Luka for allowing the use of his drag chute.

Can anyone tell me where I can get Luka's drag chute?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you
David Wooster
I Google'd "Luka's Drag Chute" but no luck.

Go over to flightsim.com, search the files with the term "Drag Chute". You'll get hits but you'll have to pick what you want and download.
Something like that would be available only from the original author of the model code used by the other developers, unless the drag chute code was handed out with permission to redistribute. If you can find a package that features that code, I'd contact that developer and ask if he has Luka's contact info.
I just did some digging into the files at Flightsim, and the latest file by Luka Midic was uploaded in 2004. The website listed in at readme now redirects - believe it or not - to a @#$^ing "Rick Roll!" There 's also an email listed, but I have my doubts as to whether it's active.
I am trying to have an operational drag chute for an aircraft I am developing and I have seen numerous aircraft that give credit to Luka for allowing the use of his drag chute.

Can anyone tell me where I can get Luka's drag chute?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you
David Wooster


It is possible with (now freeware) IRIS Mig 29 system, in every case...


1) put the IRIS gauge 'IRIS_Fulcrum!Mig_Chute' in the VC. Not visible.
( then, at the beginning of flight, view the VC to ensure proper operation )

2) in the aircraft file, add these lines if necessary: (here, original adjust set time of IRIS Mig 29)

wing_fold_system_type=4 ;0=None
fold_rates= 0.12, 0.11 ;Percent per second

activated by 'shift + F' , automatic deactivation.

possible and recommended to adjust set time... ( fold_rates= xx.xx, xx.xx )

if the 'shift + F' function is already assigned, it is possible, if not vital, to disabling, or make it inoperative and not shown, by modifying the time duration...
ex: 00.001, 00.002

The function of the parachute has priority by the gauge..

3) with this gauge, the dragchute function is always the 4th position of flaps, so, the number of
flaps positions should be 3.

And then, of course, it is necessary to adjust the parachute effect in the 4th position...

type= 2
span-outboard= 0.500
extending-time= x.xxx
system_type= 1
//(or 4 )
damaging-speed= 0
blowout-speed= 0
lift_scalar= 0
drag_scalar= x.xx
pitch_scalar= 0
flaps-position.0= 0, 0
flaps-position.1= 0, 0
flaps-position.2= 0, 0
flaps-position.3= 0, 0
flaps-position.4= xxx.xx, 0

That's it. I think I have forgotten nothing... Good flights ...

It is possible with (now freeware) IRIS Mig 29 system, in every case...
Keep in mind that just because something is now freeware doesn't mean it is wide open for reverse engineering when the end results will be made public.
I (via Team SDB) have permission to do things with the Iris MiG-29 because I asked. I would encourage you do the same; get permission and then give credit.
Keep in mind that just because something is now freeware doesn't mean it is wide open for reverse engineering when the end results will be made public.
I (via Team SDB) have permission to do things with the Iris MiG-29 because I asked. I would encourage you do the same; get permission and then give credit.

Hello Frank, how are you ? Good point, thank you. However, I only gave free informations, nothing more. Reason why I explained the technical path here, on SOH. I share because I have found here a lot of beautiful and amazing aircrafts, skins and other things. I have not thought to upload this. Maybe because each case is unique. After, everyone can work on its side with its devices. Or not.

Do you think I should get permission, and then, if granted, upload ?

I wish to thank every one for their replies to my question they were very helpful and appreciated I have got it working using thrust reverser as a trigger which also gives it realism by causing the aircraft to slow down as if the drag chute was doing it.

all the information given was used only as reference and led me to the solution I was looking for.

thanks again