Don't know if it is any good . I haven't flown it yet.
Don't know if it is any good . I haven't flown it yet.
Doesn't this deserve a sticky??
You beat me to it!Yes it does!
This one is a real beauty! I'm going to have to dig into the manual for sure - I can't figure out how to modify the weapons/fuel loadout.
See page 11 in the manual for ARMAMENT PANEL detail...it takes a couple of read throughs to get it. Also, be aware that the electronic tablet to the left of the seat contains touch screen items to get rid of the pylons under the wings.
PS - Also, I wrote the developer this afternoon and asked him to update the paint kit beyond mere wireframes, and to include layers for all of the liveries he included with the initial release, since that would give us the basic Vietnam camo pattern and stencils...I'm loving this airplane...perhaps the most of any MSFS aircraft in my hanger (to include PMDG!). Love it.
Also, I think you have to be cold-and-dark (or at least parked) to change the loadout.