Dresden Firestorm WIP


Charter Member 2011
Ted and James,

Here is the large firestorm facility I was telling you about. It is WIP and the smoke has not been added yet. The fires are "hot" yellow/white and the effect is complex with dozens of various fire sizes.The largest fires appear to smear as they fully develop.

The smoke pall has not been added yet but currently the FPS is 54 for me when I fly over at 20,000.

That's awesome!!

A while ago I saw - what seemed to me original footage - of the Dresden firestorm. It either was in that 'birthday' documentary of the RAF or a movie where a downed pilot ends up in Dresden at the wrong time (in which case it might as well have been a CGI fire...). I thought the colours to be more yellowish but I'll settle for anything that looks this good!! Excellent job!
That's awesome!!

A while ago I saw - what seemed to me original footage - of the Dresden firestorm. It either was in that 'birthday' documentary of the RAF or a movie where a downed pilot ends up in Dresden at the wrong time (in which case it might as well have been a CGI fire...). I thought the colours to be more yellowish but I'll settle for anything that looks this good!! Excellent job!

They are actually yellow/white but look more white/yellow the higher you go.

Oh man, awesome work :applause::ernae:

strangely enough I saw a documentary in my history class today and it talked about this and showed some footage about it and I have to say it looked real similar :ernae:
Thanks Guys,

I am starting to add the smoke taking care to protect the FPS. There will be several smoke patterns with both low and high smoke effect. As they float and drift up they will start to look more like clouds as they disperse.

Thanks Guys,

I am starting to add the smoke taking care to protect the FPS. There will be several smoke patterns with both low and high smoke effect. As they float and drift up they will start to look more like clouds as they disperse.



Looks great!
Steve, that looks really good. I will look forward to testing them on Saturday when I get back from Atlanta.