Drivers or Disaster?


My computer has taken to freezing solid almost as soon as FS starts, and I suspect a graphics problem, as it still works fine on less graphically challenging programs. Presumably updating the GeForce 6600 drivers is worth a try, and I have downloaded them, but in an exe file. Do I just run it, or should I uninstall the old first, and, if so, how?
The first thing you want to grab is a good driver cleaner. I can't think of the name of any off the top of my head...but just do a Google search for Driver Cleaner and you will find more than one. This utility will clean out all the left over bits and pieces from the old driver.

Once you have the driver cleaner downloaded and installed, go to Control Panel, Add/Remove Software. Scroll down through the list until you find your graphics driver listed. Remove it.

Reboot the system.

Run the driver cleaner.

Reboot the system.

Run the install exe for the new driver.

Reboot the system again.


Having said all that, have you installed any packages to your sim that may be the culprit? New scenery, new planes, new gauges? If the sim was running fine on your current graphics driver, it is rare that it would suddenly stop working fine with that driver...unless the driver somehow got contaminated or otherwise screwed up. If you installed a new scenery package, new gauge set...and then you sim stopped working, I would suspect the new add on.

Another thing that is worth trying. Download and install CCleaner. It's a freeware utility that deep cleans you system and removes all the internet history, cache file logs, temporary doesn't just delete them, it overwrites (erases) them. I have an addiction to this program...I run it several times a day to help keep my system clean.

Have you rebooted you system recently? That is always the first thing you should do when you have a program that hangs up for unknown reasons.

My computer has taken to freezing solid almost as soon as FS starts, and I suspect a graphics problem, as it still works fine on less graphically challenging programs. Presumably updating the GeForce 6600 drivers is worth a try, and I have downloaded them, but in an exe file. Do I just run it, or should I uninstall the old first, and, if so, how?
This can also be the sign of failing computer components or overheating.
Also as Obio correctly pointed out in a previous thread, updating drivers is not always advisable. I tried that with mine and got poor results. After reinstalling them from the disc things went back to normal. I go along with CCleaner, does a good job. Be careful about what you check it to clean though. I ran it the first time on the wifes desktop and an hour later came the howl WHAT DID YOU DO?? It had removed the info for getting into her e-mail via an icon. I had to re-sign to the e-mail (after locating/remembering all the magic words) then I un-checked Cookies in what CCleaner would obliterate. That seemed to do the trick.
Thank you, but I think it turned out to be disaster. Today I get nothing on screen at all (yes, it is connected and says "no signal") and the only sign of life is the humming of the hard drive. Thank goodness that this time, for once, I had the sense to copy my downloads to safety on an external drive before it was too late.