Drop tank model recognition needed


Charter Member

Does anyone remember which weapons package includes this drop tank model? It's an excellent representation of the USAAF 108 gallon tank and everyone probably should replace their AvH weapon pack 108 gallon tank model (which is really a downscaled Korean War era 150 gallon tank) with it. I've been using it for years and would like to upload it but can't do it without knowing who I'll credit.
Damn, that's a nice model, sorry no idea about its origins. It would be great to take all the best weapons models and overwriting AvH files with the good models and textures.
Thanks, it seems that it has been bundled with several of Jaycee's models, I had a different P-51D from which I've got it. I'll see about the upload later now as we know the author.
When trying to create several droptanks for my P-47, I also researched the 108gal paper droptank. Though I unfortunately can't find the exact article, I remember reading about those red bands/rings on the tanks: There are two painted around the paper shell with one bar crosswise on top of the tank, connecting the two rings (eg. see https://verde9.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Equipaggio-prepara-108-gallons-tank-rotated.jpg). They are there to aid the groundcrew in properly placing and attaching the two metal bands and lugrail (I don't know the technical term) that go around the paper shell and serve as an attachpoint on the bombrack (because there is an 'Up' and 'Down'-side on the tank). So once the droptank is assembled and ready to be hung from an aircraft, the red lines should be covered by the metal bands and not be visible. The red bands are visible only on an unassembled paper tank.

On this picture https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drop_tank#/media/File:P-51_Mustang_droptanks_(7326241066).jpg notice the droptank lying on the ground: the painted red bands are barely visble underneath the metal bands.
This second picture https://verde9.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/D0ckCu9VsAA0hUz.jpg shows two groundcrew members handling an unassembled droptank (red bands visible) on the left and an assembled droptank on the right (red rings covered by the 'hanging system')

BTW, this is not meant as any critique of your work. I know you are striving for realism so I thought you might be interested in this little nitpick :encouragement:.
Very interesting, thanks! In that case I'll repaint the tanks, the texture is Jaycee's original at the moment. I haven't changed it at all yet.

The tanks have been repainted and uploaded. All actual credit to jaycee, I just retouched the textures slightly and repackaged it all.
AvHistory 108 gallon drop tanks replacement model


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 Other Add-Ons - Weapons

Description: A replacement model for the AvHistory 108 gallon drop tank. Especially suitable for P-51s but also looks great on P-38s and P-47s.

Original model and texture: jaycee
Slight texture retouch: Rene Leppä

Backup your original AvHistory_us_droptank_108gal folder and drop this one in the Weapons folder, letting it overwrite the existing files. This package only includes the model and textures, not the XML as that's unchanged.

Rene Leppä, 2021

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