DS for Cliffs of Dover on SOH--Good News
Dangerousdave26 has got his copy of Cliffs of Dover.
This is what he sayed in his PM to me:
"Good news
I got Cliffs of Dover
Bad news I have to go to work tonight and replace some hard ware in the phone system that was damaged Sunday night in a storm.
I will get it installed tonight but can not do any testing until tomorrow."
I am really looking foreword to a DS on SOH for a combat sim that we can all have with out having to open up or PC to trolls and hackers.
Thank you DD26 and SOH.
P.S- I may be talking to soon with this.
But I'm sure DD26 will be able to setup a DS for SOH in Cliffs of Dover MP.
This is what he sayed in his PM to me:
"Good news
I got Cliffs of Dover
Bad news I have to go to work tonight and replace some hard ware in the phone system that was damaged Sunday night in a storm.
I will get it installed tonight but can not do any testing until tomorrow."
I am really looking foreword to a DS on SOH for a combat sim that we can all have with out having to open up or PC to trolls and hackers.
Thank you DD26 and SOH.
P.S- I may be talking to soon with this.
But I'm sure DD26 will be able to setup a DS for SOH in Cliffs of Dover MP.