DTG, P3D, FSX & other 3 letter words...


Staff member
I watch & read the wishes, rants, tweaks, demands & queries on various forums, about all those 3 letter words.
We, Fs2004'ers, are so privilaged to have the following freeware developers giving their time & effort to make our sim so special for us.
So, in no particular order, but a big clap of hands to..
1a. Garry & Ed, from the Ford Tri-Motor project, these guys have re-kindled my love for FS2004 by giving us a whole new world (& installation) to explore.. Many thanks.
1b. Howard's natural World!! Many thanks, Howard.
2. Milton's (& team's) creations.
3. Bill & Lyne Lyons's add-ons
4. Bob Chicilo
5. Manuele Villa
6. A.F.Scrub
7. Shessi
8. Edward Cook
9. Alexander Belov
10. Kazunori Ito
11. David Molyneaux
12. F.Giuli
13. Manfred Jahn
14. Volker Bohme
15. Greg Pepper
16. The guys from Calclassic
17. The guys from Aeroworx South African scenery
18. Mike Hambly
19. Tim "Piglet" Conrad
20. Thinus Pretorius
21. J R Lucariny
22. Kirk Olsson
23. Premier Aircraft Design
Vladimir Zhyhulskiy
Jens B. Kristensen
Mike Stone
27. Stuart Green
28. Rick Piper
Robert Sanderson
Oliver Fischer
31. http://www.m-r-software.de/ for Tri-landers
32. http://www.sectionf8.com/download.html for the BEST Sabre!
33. Brian Gladden

There are so many more amazing developers, some have left us for blue'er skys.
So, to those 3 letter guys, who have moved on..
You have no idea what you are missing..
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It is quite eye opening to read and realise how many of the above have moved on. But worth reviewing how fortunate we have been as a hobby.
I would like to add to this list
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]David "Opa" Marshall +[/FONT][/FONT]
How could I have forgotten David.

Possible to keep the list as a thank you & recognition to the freeware developers? These are the guys, often unchanged, who do it just for the passion.
Dimitri Samborski, et al (Samdim Design)
Ken Mitchell (Mitch's Panel Shop)

It's amazing what can still be found if you dig!
And one of me best mates Nigel Richards.. for his impeccable sounds as well as eye popping textures. Definitely add him to the list. :encouragement:

You left a couple of developers that deserve praise, if not credit. They also serve.... .

Mitsuya 'Hama' Hamaguchi
Bruce Fitzgerald
Erwin Welker
Dirk Stuck
Jason L. Terry

Chuck B
And who could forget Dave Maltby and his BAC 1-11's, Comets, VC10's and Tridents. All of which are just as at home in FSX as they are in FS9. 'Specially the 1-11's :applause:
Since the list includes others who have "gone west" (such as David "Opa" Marshall" and Greg Pepper) we should add the late, great Paul "Putt-Putt" Clawson and [SIZE=-1]Damian "Windrider" Radice. They are no longer with us, but their work is still available.

And a couple that I haven't heard of for a while now, who I hope are still OK: Odd ("[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1]Henry William[/SIZE]") Spjøtvold, who I think is still active on the "dark side" (FSX), and Heather "Bad Weather" Sherman, who taught me much of what I know about painting models (but nowhere near everything she knows!)[/SIZE]
Thanks for carrying on adding our 'hero's'of FS2004!
Brings back so many memories, & lets me search for their add-ons again.
I have got to nominate Mick Morrissey! I have had so much of his stuff in my FS2004 set up over the years.
Long live FS2004!
I will add Roger Wensley for its amazing airports sceneries in Caribean, Alaska and Northern Canada. (and when you find a missing texture in one of its sceneries, you can win a beer in a nice pub in Paris ! I spend a delicious moment talking aviation with him !)
Ralf Kreibich
James Hefner
Dennis Simanaitis
Cees Donker
Wim Reeger
Huub Vink
Des Braban
Michel Migaud
Doug Smith
Holger Sandmann
All the guys in the basement (CFS2)
DTG, P3D, FSX & other 3 letter words... Part 2

We carry on with:
34. Sascha
35. David "Opa" Marshall
Dimitri Samborski, et al (Samdim Design)
37. Ken Mitchell (Mitch's Panel Shop)
38. Nigel Richards
49. Ron Barendregt
50. Mitsuya 'Hama' Hamaguchi
51. Bruce Fitzgerald
52. Erwin Welker
53. Dirk Stuck
54. Jason L. Terry
55. Chuck B
56. Napamule
57. David Maltby
58. Paul "Putt-Putt" Clawson
[SIZE=-1]59. Damian "Windrider" Radice
[/SIZE]60. Heather "Bad Weather" Sherman
61. [SIZE=-1]Odd ("[/SIZE][SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1]Henry William[/SIZE]") Spjøtvold[/SIZE]
62. Mick Morrissey
63. Rodger Wensley

64. FSAviator
65. Ralf Kreibich
66. James Hefner
67. Dennis Simanaitis
68. Cees Donker
69. Wim Reeger
70. Huub Vink
71. Des Braban
72. Michel Migaud
73. Doug Smith
74. Holger Sandmann
75. Kieth Paine
76. Tom Constantine
77. Tom Allensworth (who mentored a lot of us)
78. Barry Blaisdell
79. [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Daisuke Yamamoto
[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Henry Tomkiewicz
81. Ron Jeffers
82. Aeroworx (freeware scenery)
83. Leon Louis
84. MoCat

[/FONT]We salute you all. Many thanks for making our hobby so immersive for us.
To those that have flown away, you are always with us, in our virtual skies.
I have got to nominate Mick Morrissey! I have had so much of his stuff in my FS2004 set up over the years.
Long live FS2004!

Thank you!

Remember that almost everything I've done beyond simple repaints was done in partnership with David Wooster. He should be on the list too. I'm enbarrassed that I didn't think to add him in my earlier post.
Along with David Wooster I would also include Warwick Carter, Tom Gibson, John Sinstrom, John B. Loney Jr., Tim "OBIO" Dement, Lee Swordy and Bill "Lionheart" Ortis. I'm sure there are others who I will be embarrassed to have omitted when I think of them.
85. George Diemer
86. David Wooster

87. Warwick Carter,
88. Tom Gibson
89. John Sinstrom
90. John B. Loney Jr.
91. Tim "OBIO" Dement
92. Lee Swordy
93. Bill "Lionheart" Ortis

94. Pete Dowson
95. Joe Binka
96. Andy Johnston
97. The Britsim boys
98. Craig Richardson
99. Rachel 'Firekitten' Whiteford
100. Microsoft ACES team, for giving us the sim engine!
101. Roy Chaffin

When I started the list, I certainly did not realise how many giants that have made our FS2004 such an interesting place.
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