
Holy Crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you say INCOMING. :icon_lol:
Click on the test in adhockey's's a link to a pic.

I like flying that low, upside down, in a 747, full of screaming passengers. Teaches them to keep their seat belts on until the seat belt sign is turned off.

....Reminds me of a scene from the movie 'It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World.' Buddy Hackett and his pal Mickey Rooney try to land a Beech C-18 with no prior flying experience. Frank Tallman did the actual stunt flying of the aircraft. Good laughs.
But who's crazier... the pilot, or the photographer he is about the slice and dice?
But who's crazier... the pilot, or the photographer he is about the slice and dice?
I could be wrong, but looking at the perspective angles, I'm thinking the photographer's lens is about three times bigger than the camera. That would mean that the massive amount of zoom would give plenty of room between the plane and the person taking the pic. Still, it's a cool shot!
still i'd be the smart arse pilot who says over the radio "you did say just a little off the top right?"

pilot still has 2 ft of clearance i'd say on them prop tips... just going to disappear to the Bonneville salt flats and see how low i can get after several passes to a man sized marker :icon_lol: