Duenna in MSFS?


Flying around today in MSFS and suddenly wondered if the Duenna would work. It does not. But I had a thought that it might come in handy for events such as the RTWR or even one of the old races run here at SOH a few years ago. Not a programmer and I have no idea if it could be done, but it would certainly make racing more of an even playing field since everyone would be using the same weather settings (you know, once the bugs have been worked out).
I haven't talked to Eamonn in a while so I don't know if he's entered the MSFS world yet. He did all the coding for the later FSX versions and it would be up to him to go further.

With the drastic drop in interest for shared flying (online or not) over the last couple of years, I'd guess he'd have to see significant enthusiasm from the community before he'd leap at it.

The other side of it is that you'd only have that common weather by assuming that all concerned are using just MSFS and that's going to be a while coming.
There is a "Community Events" sub-forum at MSFS. With so many new people using the sim, it might be possible to set up the race there. What would make it more interesting is that you would be able to see all of the competitors (as well as the lookie-lou's) flying with you. At first it would probably need to be set up with just the stock aircraft, but could and probably would evolve with the addition of more appropriate race aircraft. Food for thought.
Hate to throw shade, but IMHO the Duenna ruined the RTWR, for me at least. Call me old fashioned, but I liked the pre-Duenna races with just the route map and the honor system. Those were the days.... The automation was nice though. Just didn't care for all the extra rules that came along with it.

- dcc