Duenna Tracking?

Already tried that address & clicking the default button. No joy on either. Any other ideas?

I should add that when I click "create user" I get something about a duplicate entry?
Moze, here's my setup. I used the URL Dave suggested, but I provided no password.
Experimenting, I was able to create a new user with the name "Achmed" that worked. Was also able to get it to work with just "Moses". I must have fubared my original password somehow. It didn't work without any password like PRB. Will see about resetting it. Thanks fellas-
I have just installed the latest build of Duenna but have connection problems. Keeps telling me my Realism Settings are not correct, but as screenies show I have them the way it should be.​


Here are the settings I use​


Weather warning​


And weather settings I use, they seem ok to me.​

The General and Crash detection sliders must be full right.

also check in the Weather settings under Settings and make sure download winds aloft is checked. It is not the page you have pictured if FSX is the same as FS9.

All other settings look correct
On and set your settings and exit FS

I don't know if that helps but I think it saves the settings when you do that.

Been a long time since I changed them.
FS9 and FSX are identical with the weather and I always fly with the Winds Aloft checked.

Not only restart your FS, but do it, then start Duenna and check your FS settings, then do it again.... and maybe again...

From Johannes' website:
Frequently asked questions

Why do I have to restart my FS when The Duenna detects bad settings?
The Flight Simulator has a strange way of saving settings, a really strange way. The configuration file has a "mark" that settings were changed, however the new settings aren't saved in the file. In order for the Duenna to check your corrected settings, the Flight Simulator needs to be restarted. Sometimes this even needs to be done more than once, the Flight Simulator is sometimes very forgetful of these settings...

Also, make sure the Duenna i spointe to the proper FS .exe file... I had no end of troubles til I spotted that he FSX version was looking for FS9.exe
I think (at least in mine) the weather themes is set to 'user defined' and activesky forces the updates. The 'Real World weather' is an internal link to Microsofts server IIRC.