Duluth Sunset


These are a series of screenshots I took last night, late in the golden hour, on a flight out of Sky Harbor in Duluth, MN with the SR22. Live time and live weather, which was spectacular. The winds were up to 35mph at the time, so Lake Superior was looking very choppy.

Thank you August! I am curious to see just how realistic a bare-aluminum aircraft can be made to look now in this sim, with the new graphics engine and PBR materials, with everything done right/to the best of its capabilities.
Indeed! To the point that I am hesitant to install any of the port-overs that are being discussed, rather than wait for the fully realized FS20 products.

We all know that the warbirds and vintage types eventually will come, and I look forward to seeing what artists such as yourself, Jan, and the rest are able to do with this new canvas.
