Dumb Embarassing Question ?

T Square

Charter Member
Duh I need to start FS in windowed mode, how do I do it ? I feel really :banghead: dumb but gotta ask cause I just can't remember !!!!!!!!!!
Don't feel bad - I forgot that too when I first booted up FS9 after my long hiatus. I was fortunate that I was stuck in windowed mode, so I was able to access the menu bar, go to the keyboard commands page and look it up. And that wasn't the only thing I had to look up!

Anyhow - the point of this post - if you can't get the sim far enough along the start sequence for Alt+Enter to work, try this. Open your FS9.cfg file and scroll down to the [Graphics] section. See if the first line reads, "FULL_SCREEN=1" and if it does, change the 1 to 0 (that's a zero, not an o.) I'm not 100% certain that this will work, but I'm pretty sure it will.

However you get it where you want it, remember that, as Rob said, it will start the next time in whichever mode you left it the last time.
Even in full-screen, hitting the Alt key will bring up the top menu options, but it will also pause the Sim.