DVD's worth seeing




FLYBOYS - Rather than go through it again, I'll just say used VCR's you CAN get screwed, used DVD's can't kill'em

You pick this up Used at Amazon for $6, Including the Shipping


The BLUE MAX - Used $11 including shipping

Hells Angels . . made in 1930, Corny Acting, but the Best flight sequences on film
Hi, Gimpy
Don't know about the FLYBOYS - it's pretty much overdone, for me. Too glorious and gunzablazing (or must I have a second look - I might...)
"Blue Max" is an All-time-great; highly recommendet.
Got "Hell's Angels" recently and found especially the Zeppelin-scenes very impressive; hadn't seen anything like it. And, apart from the fact that MvR didn't get old enough to fly the D VII in real combat, the flight scenes are great and look impressively real (compared to the computer-generated Flyboys). Olham

PS: this year came a German & international co-production "Der Rote Baron", better than I expected, although not enough flight scenes.
If you're looking for factual information - Flyboys was a waste of time and electric power. . . PS . . liked the searching for bent ammo, prior to inserting in belts, to prevent Machine Gun Jam Ups. In reality, that would be the armorers job. But it was a nice touch, in the film.

However, for just entertainment for 90 minutes, with a backdrop of WWI aviation. . FLYBOYS was a good movie.

Plus there was No Nudity, Foul Language, or Homosexual Pilots :costumes:
Yeah, right, now I remember that scene - that was new to me indeed, and it made sense. I will see that movie again.
In "Der Rote Baron" from early this year, there's another interesting little scene: von Richthofen sees Werner Voss mounting a Bentley engine (from a plane he shot down) into his own fighter, as it's the stronger engine.
Then MvR must go to Berlin (maybe due to his head injury, I don't remember), were he meets Anthony Fokker in his aircraft plant.
Fokker is upset; he want's to get informed the next time, a German pilot want's another, stronger engine. Instead, he heard it from the Allied side, that someone put a Bentley engine into his plane; which is unbearable for him.
So, MvR realises, that his friend Werner must be downed and dead. Don't know, if it was that way, but it's a good dramatic idea.

Bye for now, must make my anchovies-black olives pizza. Olham
Is Dawn Patrol with Errol Flynn worth the purchase?
Can't say I ever saw it, read the review yourself. I did, and can think of other uses for my $20

Flight of the Phoenix ( original version) Cheap Used

Tora ! Tora ! Tora ! Very Cheap Used

Magnificent Men in their flying machines, I'd still buy it used, I'm a cheapskate


12 O'clock High Gregory Peck Classic worth 5 Bucks used
'The Tuskegee Airmen' 2000 HBO Home Video.
And I think it is 'Dark Blue World' - setting is Check pilots flying in the RAF WWII
There is one thing that is kind of killing "Hells Angels" for me and thats the fact that the landscape is clearly California and in no way could be Belgium or France.
You stepped in it my friend, this Hells Angels was made in 1930 in B+W

Sounds like you screwed-up, and bought the Biker Flick :costumes:
Back in 1930 the cinematography exceeded the need for geography :kilroy:
Aces high with Malcom McDowell and Christopher Plummer. Bought one on eBay that played in the US region, just saw it yesterday (gain) great movie.