DX10 Fixer.


Charter Member
I have been trying to find ENB series files where I installed them
but they are nowhere to be found. It seems that they are a problem
with DXT fixer causing it to crash. I have turned them off.
OK,I want to install Fixer 2.3 and wonder if I uninstall previous version
and then install V 2.3 will I have any problems as I want to continue with DX10? Second question is, is there a way to save
my water textures as I really like what I have now. They are a combo of REX 4 Direct
and FSW lite. Unfortunately I don't remember how I got to these textures after much

With fingers and other thing crossed. Hoping for positive answers to both questions
Yep, the ENB series and Steve's DX10 Scenery Fixer don't play well together. Best to do a thorough removal of ENB before you get too far along on installing v2.3 of the Fixer. Uninstalling the previous version of the Fixer should not be a problem before installing v2.3. I always uninstall the Libraries first, then complete the uninstall of the Fixer per Steve's instructions in the manual. Never had any problems, whether I previously save a profile or set-up all the options after the new install. The Fixer doesn't remove or permanently alter any textures, so your REX4/FSW Lite combo should be fine.


Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately I have searched till I am nearly blind and cannot find the files anywhere.
Where they went is a puzzle.
The install of the ENB mod consists of placing these two files:


into the main FSX folder. Uninstalling is simply removing these files from the FSX directory. If they are not there, either it's already uninstalled, or somehow you installed them in C:\Windows\System32 which is very bad since it might have overwritten the original d3d9.dll file.
Thanks for the suggestion. But still no good.
I have also gone through all folders in fsx main directory
but those two files I just can't find. I checked dx9 and it
shows up enbseries installed. I have turned them off with
appropriate key command. I may have to uninstall the fixer
and chance that V2.3 will install ok. If all goes to hell in a
handcart it will be the dreaded fsx reinstall.
If any one has any ideas please let me know.
How can two stupid files just vanish ?
Anthin :banghead:
Hmmm ... weird! looks like they might be there, but you're simply not seeing them for some reason:

The usual things to ask ... have you got full admin rights - or have UAC disabled? Have you got Win Explorer set up to show all files (ie. system and hidden files)?

I agree with lownslo - your water textures should be OK ... but hasn't there been some issue with FSW Lite and DX10? I don't know as I've never used it.

To add to Rod's post above - there is more than one version of the ENB thingy, and one of them contains a d3d10.dll, another contains a d3dx9_26.dll and a d3dx9_40.dll, so look for those in the root folder of FSX as well.

Any reference to dx10 or dxgi should be suspect, as none exists in the default FSX. Sometimes the SweetFX installation causes a problem for FSX, and the answer to that is to delete these Sweet files, and re-copy them. SweetFX does work very well, but the ENB application, however - does not, and will prevent FSX from starting.
Thanks for the suggestions Adam and Paul. Tried your advice but no
luck. So I said ok lets try the fixer anyway. It worked and no problems.
I guess turning it off worked. Still have my water settings.
As for FSWC lite it is a great little program. Striking Software say they
are working on an updated FSWC full that will work with DX10.
As for the missing files I give up and I am going to just leave ENB series
turned off.
Regards Anthin
Sorry I just saw your suggestion about shade now. Yes I
have that installed and really like it.
Regards Anthin.
Hi noddy.

My favourite setting is Slightly Green. I then clone day one.
Now and again I try different settings at random. I was lucky
I had version 1 on another computer so I added the presets
that seemed to be absent from latest version,such as darker.
I find that early morning and late afternoon are the best times
especially in FTX Global Europe.

Regards Anthin.

PS. Over at OZX there are some freeware presets.
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