Dx10 fixer


Senior Administrator
I have to concede that I expected steve's fixer to be back on sale by now. There are clearly many punters coming late to the Dx10 party and are disappointed to not be able to purchase the fixer. I have no idea what Steve's motives are but I truely hope that Steve will see the light and let sales continue as Dx10 is so important to the future of FsX.
Yes it would be a shame if the fixer does not go back on sale. Whilst I have P3D the fixer keeps me from going fully over.
IMHO Steve's DX10 Fixer is the "official unofficial" SP3 for FSX, but only better since it includes the ability to tune graphics effects and fix or enhance add ons. I just hope that Dovetail games doesn't have anything to do with why this "must have" add on has not returned to market, i.e. they made Steve an offer too lucrative to refuse.
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Nothing like that, just too many people who asked too many questions as if he could fix all there problems,. He should do a try before you buy would be good to see it back.
He should do a try before you buy would be good to see it back.
Well .. he *sort of* does that ... in that many of the tweaks are available in the old(er) freeware shaders releases, albeit without the nice GUI that the full 2.3 gives.

In my case, having got my FSX to work well with the free DX10 shaders, I was only too pleased to support Steve when it went payware.

That said, I'm sincerely hoping is exile comes to an end! :lol:
