Dynamic Lighting and Freeware Scenery


Charter Member 2010
So I was going through my FSX freeware files and plopping stuff in and out of Prepar3dv4 seeing what works and what doesn't when I encountered an interesting problem. I loaded in NAS Pensacola, and everything was perfect except I was only getting about 2-5fps. So I started deleting BGL's for the static models and such thinking that was the problem and was about to give up all hope when I looked over at one of the hangars and saw what appeared to be dynamic lighting emanating from the ceiling lights. Sure enough taxi away from the buildings and FPS jumped in to the 50's-70's, taxi back and FPS drops down to 5 and below. So I disabled the dynamic lighting and boom, consistent frames everywhere. Just figured I'd spread what little knowledge I have to offer. Hopefully this helps someone else like me who ran in to a similar issue.