E-2D Hawkeyes

Bumps, vents, ducts, antennas, its a busy fuselage, and the tail shaking when the power was run up, she's "alive"

Mover (what does CW stand for :D) and Gonky (how did he get that name :p) show is great, wombat is a great guest
Mover has mentioned it a couple of times. The C is for Cornwallis, I forget what the W is but he's lucky his middle name wasn't Beauregard. :congratulatory:
Gonky? We're not supposed to know but I suspect that someone in the squadron had an Irish Setter named Gonky. :playful:

The irony is that I truly understand those guys, especially WOMBAT, but I would have to call them "Sir".
I had the chance to go to OCS as a third class ET but I really did turn it down.
My skipper (a good guy) was P. O.'d but I had just earned my dolphins and I LIKED what I was doing.
The last thing I wanted was to wind up on perpetual Staff Duty in some building. Luckily, there was also another guy in the crew who also had a degree. He was looking forward to perpetual Staff Duty in some building, so I did The Noble Thing and bowed out. :sneaky:

Have fun
Thanks for sharing this story. I read it from top to bottom and as a Retired Navy VietNam Aviation Maintainer, was very informed on the goings on from perspective of the RO. I'd watched many of the E-2C launch from same carrier he was on (USS Ranger) before his time on Yankee Station. With only 3 operators side by side in the back end, it must of been cozier in the Willy Fudds, (E-1B); which I also saw in launch/recovery mode from my cruises on the Hancock/ Bon Homme RIchard. In his story, he recounts a B-52 playing a cat and mouse game with the Ranger.
He stated the B-52 flew below at ~50 above sea lever. What a story. 👍 Picture must of been taken from a escort DD.
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