Eagerly Await My First Balloon Mission



In Phase 2, I used Gas Bags, any gas bags . . for target practice . . from extreme ranges . . using Kentucky Elevation Guesstimates . . squeeze off two rounds from my Vickers and start counting, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004 . BOOM . . . . . . NO Longer

Now you need a very long burst, from point blank range, and some luck, and perhaps 3 bursts.

But a Burning Balloon is a thing of Beauty

And all the time that you're shooting at IT, the ground fire, is ripping you a new one. HELL with credit, I'd prefer staying alive.

I'd suggest a Willie Coppens, it would appear NOW, he had it down to a science :applause::applause::applause:
Just curious where in P2 you found balloons. In Campaign mode, there were a few missions here and there, but I'd like to get a QM set up just for that.
Save that precious ammo, rockets are a beautiful thing. Send two into a balloon and pull up, you should hear a nice boom shortly.. may have to give a short burst to finish her off in some cases..

In Phase 2, I used Gas Bags, any gas bags . . for target practice . . from extreme ranges . . using Kentucky Elevation Guesstimates . . squeeze off two rounds from my Vickers and start counting, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004 . BOOM . . . . . . NO Longer

Now you need a very long burst, from point blank range, and some luck, and perhaps 3 bursts.

But a Burning Balloon is a thing of Beauty

And all the time that you're shooting at IT, the ground fire, is ripping you a new one. HELL with credit, I'd prefer staying alive.

I'd suggest a Willie Coppens, it would appear NOW, he had it down to a science :applause::applause::applause:
Just curious where in P2 you found balloons. In Campaign mode, there were a few missions here and there, but I'd like to get a QM set up just for that.

Really you must use Labels to spot them ( spotter ), they were really quite plentifull. Once you've seen it, you can turn off the labels.

Too spot them without Labels, you would truely need the eyes of an eagle.

Problem being ( Labels ) is 3 Keystrokes, Cntrl Shft L, so on and off becomes a pain in the butt.

Little work in Control Options, it becomes a single Keystroke, and as such, easily assigned to a Joystick Button :ernae:
Save that precious ammo, rockets are a beautiful thing. Send two into a balloon and pull up, you should hear a nice boom shortly.. may have to give a short burst to finish her off in some cases..

You are talking too the Rocket King. However those rockets belong on a P47, both in accuracy, and destructive force. I'm thankfull that we have them, but they're a Hardcoded item from CFS3.

The actual Rockets of the period, were close to what you fire on July 4th.
They would get very close and fire all 8 at once, hopefully 1 would hit the balloon

If OBD ever gets a new engine, I fear those Rockets are history

That's why the balloon mission is so challenging NOW.

If you have a little altercation on the way too the balloon, will you have enough ammo, to destroy the balloon.
Or . . Do you attack the Balloon at all ?
Or . . Do you avoid all contact on the way home, staying low soo the enemy Aircraft will leave you alone, changing course constantly . . so the ground gunner can't draw a bead on you ?

So then it becomes the question of, what's more important, completion of the mission .. OR .. staying ALIVE ? :applause::applause::applause:
Found this file in the main OFF2 folder, weapons.xml
BODY{font:x-small 'Verdana';margin-right:1.5em} .c{cursor:hand} .b{color:red;font-family:'Courier New';font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none} .e{margin-left:1em;text-indent:-1em;margin-right:1em} .k{margin-left:1em;text-indent:-1em;margin-right:1em} .t{color:#990000} .xt{color:#990099} .ns{color:red} .dt{color:green} .m{color:blue} .tx{font-weight:bold} .db{text-indent:0px;margin-left:1em;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;padding-left:.3em;border-left:1px solid #CCCCCC;font:small Courier} .di{font:small Courier} .d{color:blue} .pi{color:blue} .cb{text-indent:0px;margin-left:1em;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;padding-left:.3em;font:small Courier;color:#888888} .ci{font:small Courier;color:#888888} PRE{margin:0px;display:inline} [URL="http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/#"]-[/URL] 
     <Bullet Speed="[B]300[/B]"  MaxSpeed="[B]800[/B]" Gravity="[B]-9.8[/B]" Range="[B]100[/B]"  Damage="[B]10[/B]" Radius="[B]0[/B]" DamageType="[B]1[/B]" Size="[B]0.25[/B]"  Texture="[B]flare.tga[/B]" BlendMode="[B]AlphaZWrite[/B]" TracerLength="[B]4[/B]"  TracerWidth="[B]0.25[/B]" TracerHeadRed="[B]255[/B]" TracerHeadGreen="[B]255[/B]"  TracerHeadBlue="[B]255[/B]" TracerHeadAlpha="[B]255[/B]"  TracerTailRed="[B]255[/B]" TracerTailGreen="[B]255[/B]" TracerTailBlue="[B]0[/B]"  TracerTailAlpha="[B]255[/B]" TracerBlendMode="[B]AlphaZWrite[/B]"  /> 

    <FlakShell Speed="[B]250[/B]" MaxSpeed="[B]1000[/B]" Gravity="[B]-9.8[/B]"  Range="[B]2100[/B]" Damage="[B]35[/B]" Radius="[B]15[/B]"  DamageType="[B]6[/B]" Size="[B]1.5[/B]" /> 

    [COLOR=Red]<[/COLOR][COLOR=Red]Rocket Speed="[B]0[/B]"  MaxSpeed="[B]250[/B]" Gravity="[B]0[/B]" Acceleration="[B]50[/B]" Range="[B]1000[/B]"  Damage="[B]35[/B]" Radius="[B]15[/B]" DamageType="[B]6[/B]"[/COLOR] Model="[B]rocketprojectile.x[/B]"  ExhaustEffect="[B]RocketExhaustGroup[/B]" ExplodeEffect="[B]RocketExplosionGroup[/B]"  LaunchSound="[B]missile_sm.wav[/B]" ExplodeSound="[B]missile_explode.wav[/B]"  /> 

Could changing the values in red have any effect on rocket behavior? The "Gravity" and "Damage" values would seem to be prime suspects, although I assume the OFF code-masters have already seen this.
That's what I thought. Thanks.

If I do decide to play with this myself, what are the values for the gravity value? Is it Yes/No (0 or 1), or a range of values?
That's what I thought. Thanks.

If I do decide to play with this myself, what are the values for the gravity value? Is it Yes/No (0 or 1), or a range of values?

Same as for the bullets and bombs: -9.81

This is the acceleration due to gravity, which is 9.81 metres per second per second.

The minus sign I am sure tells Csf3 that the force direction is down.
That's why the Rockets are sooo damn accurate, they go wherever you point them, not falling earthward, till they run out of propellant, then they fall like a bullet would.

Fire a couple of rockets, with No target in sight. Clic on (F9) Rocket View.
Only problem is after they hit something, You'd better switch back to the cockpit view, before you clip a treetop.

When flying an SE5 (F9) Becomes Bomb View, sooo you'll know if you hit anything

(F9) has a conflict with Trackir . . .A Job For Control Options :ernae:
Then why do rockets show a gravity value of "0?"

Only Mickeysoft knows. Maybe putting in gravity gives a screwy result in the game because the physics model isn't up to the task. I will be interested to see what your experiments show.
You may have to wait awhile for those experiments! I usually fly German crates, mainly because I have a harder time controlling those finicky Allied planes. :isadizzy: So, before I can set up any experiments, I will have to learn to fly an Allied plane. I am thinking of a Pup or an SE5a--definitely not a Camel! :eek: Also, my Quick Missions are borked for some reason. When I click on go to hangar, the screen freezes and I have to kill the program. Campaign works, though. Go figure!