Eaglesoft Citation X 2.0 w\FMS Released!


Charter Member
Eaglesoft Citation X 2.0 w\FMS Released!

Eaglesoft Development Group is pleased to announce that our FS2004 version of the Citation X 2.0 w\FMS is now available! More information at www.eaglesoftdg.com

Merry Christmas :applause:
Righto, was just about to bollock Ron for daring to advertise an FSX only addon in this forum, but then he did say "FS2004 version" so thought to check the Eaglesoft site... "Fully FS9 compatible" ...ooh!!...ah!!... The screenies look great! Hmmm... I have the CX v1 for FS9 and it's really nice. It did get a lot of hours - more than my money's worth, when it was newer. But always struggled to read the instruments on my 17" CRT monitor. hang on...I've now got a 28" widescreen....ok, I'll tow her out of the hangar tomorrow. If you have a reasonable monitor and want a fast, ultra sexy kerosine burner, it looks like a great bet. Unfortunately, I just blew my fs budget on the BA609 tiltrotor (love it) plus a new captains chair (the old one broke, but it was almost as old as William Shatner's famous perch in NCC1701; & the new high back leather job's sooooo comfy) so no sale here.... at least until fun coupon replenishment in January. Still, that gives me a month to enjoy the CitationX V1! And I will :)
