East Coast Albatross


Staff member
After reading through the recent thread on Favorite Fantasy Addons, I had to revisit one of my favorites. . .the Stratojet Albatross. I've been doing some hops down the east coast to various Military Bases and decided to take the Albatross into Cherry Point. Even did a nice ILS Approach, which I haven't done in a long time (I prefer to hand fly approaches for the most part). Had a nice flight and thought I'd share a few shots.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. . . . I just experienced one of those moments that makes you wanna take the puter and heave it off the Observation Deck of the Empire State Building. . . .damn.

I just spent about 2.5 hours working on redoing the Hanoi Taxi Crest designed specifically for those missions. I was setting in the last line of text on the bottom banner and the program (Paint Shop Pro) locked up. No worries I thought. . .I have autosave on and set to save every 3 minutes, so I didn't lose that much. WRONG. . . .as near as I can tell from what I got back. . .it hadn't saved anything for about an hour or so. . . . .damn that is aggravating. It wasn't simple stuff either. . .it was redrawing a lineart eagle, line by line. . .recalculating the correct angles for the opposing ribbons displayed in the crest and so on. . . .geeze. I was going to do a version of the Hanoi Taxi for the Albatross. . . .but it'll have to wait for a few days while I cool off.

Very nice bird. I am big into Medevac aircraft - my last job on active duty was as a Medical Planner and Patient Regulator for movement of patients within the Pacom - back in the day (smile). Take care.
