full Developer Jan 5, 2010 #3 Hi Guys ! here's a WIP if you would like to test it out ? www.classicwings.net/freeplanes/test.zip Tip: click the prop to start the engine I also have a FSX Native model..... Craig
Hi Guys ! here's a WIP if you would like to test it out ? www.classicwings.net/freeplanes/test.zip Tip: click the prop to start the engine I also have a FSX Native model..... Craig
O OleBoy Charter Member 2015 Jan 5, 2010 #4 :ernae::ernae: Will there be a paint kit? I see a few repaints in my future!!
O OleBoy Charter Member 2015 Jan 5, 2010 #5 I like it. Can't wait to see it with textures. I also like that you made the wing/tail surfaces transparent. Better realism for the era Curious... (I could be wrong) aren't you the one who is graduating from train modeling to the flight simulator?
I like it. Can't wait to see it with textures. I also like that you made the wing/tail surfaces transparent. Better realism for the era Curious... (I could be wrong) aren't you the one who is graduating from train modeling to the flight simulator?
full Developer Jan 5, 2010 #6 Yes a paint kit will be available, here's a link for the native FSX version aswell. www.classicwings.net/freeplanes/test_fsx.zip Edit: Please replace the model file with this one for native fsx www.classicwings.net/freeplanes/Model_fsx.zip Craig
Yes a paint kit will be available, here's a link for the native FSX version aswell. www.classicwings.net/freeplanes/test_fsx.zip Edit: Please replace the model file with this one for native fsx www.classicwings.net/freeplanes/Model_fsx.zip Craig