Easter Holiday


Charter Member
Hi Friends,
From Orthodox Greece I wish You all to have a good Easter holiday.

........I'm still working on the Macchi C.202/205, it is a very hard job !!!!!!
Happy Easter to all. Please remember this time is to celebrate the Resurrection and has nothing to do with rabbits.
I Guess if yer Flying Italian Planes....this may be in order!..."PASQUA FELICE"...In any Lingo..its a "HAPPY EASTER TO ALL!"
Happy Easter to all. Please remember this time is to celebrate the Resurrection and has nothing to do with rabbits.
You stated it so well Sid. Too much silliness attached to Christmas and Easter. Let's not forget what the real reasons are for both holidays.
That makes 2 of us, Milton...

Happy Easter anyhow. All the best.


For the benefit of both Gentlemen; Καλό πάσχα!

the anglicised pronunciation would be: kalo Pasca! (with the a always as in apple and the c as in school)

(meaning yes, you guessed; Happy Easter) ...now you can add this to the already extensive vocabulary of Greek used in the English language...e.g. aeroplane.
Technically Nigel that'd be Aero-plaan-oh in pronunciation but i'm being nit-picky again... :icon_lol:

yeah, you learn quickly young Smoothie.I like that!

...you're trying to get me waffling again aren't you...?

Oh alright, just the one then as its Easter (spoke with my shrink today so no problem): psychologist pronounced in Greek ps-y-ch-o-l-o-g-o-s ; y as in my, o always as in orange.
combination of two words: psycho -meaning of the mind and spirit. logos-meaning the reasoning of.

Now, enough of this or you'll get the pair of us lynched! maybe we should start a separate thread for lessons in aviation Greek (icon:Oh shut-up Alter-nigel! Can it!:icon)