EC-121, WV-2 Super Connie update


While snooping around over at Simviation, I found this...

Turns out, it works in FS9 too and has a unique radar system pop-up. All gauges in the 2D and VC work smoothly, Visual models are sweeeet, as all Manfred's Connie's are. The plane is a real challenge to fly, compleat with system failures if you don't do it by the book.



FSX EC-121/WV-2 Updated Package (Category: FSX > Vintage)
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80.24Mb (10191 downloads)
I compiled all of the Team 1049 aircraft, patches, and textures I could find. And Added thumbnails for all textures. All have working VC and 2D cockpits. By Team 1049 - Roland Berger, Volker Boehme, Manfred Jahn, Luis Pallas, Bill Tyne, and Stefan Werner

it's a few years old now and designed for and tested in FS9, not FSX. Does the AI radar system work in FSX as well? It does pick up FS9 ai aircraft, but actually real-life Warning Strar range exceeded that of FS9 AI traffic.

Note that this is just an update, you need the original base pack as well.

Bestr regards,