Editing Air File...

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...in several of the posts concerning AI traffic, several have mentioned making a change in the air file so the aircraft doesn't show up in the aircraft menu.

Well, where can the editor(program) be obtained so one can do that to the air file?

You don't need to touch the air file for that... just make sure your AI aircraft does not have a panel entry in it's aircraft.cfg or make sure it has no panel folder. In case you still want to look into the air file you want these programs:

AirEd v1.52 by William M. Roth

Aircraft Airfile Manager v2.2 by Karl-Heinz Klotz

They should be available for free on several flightsim websites, just Google for it.
You don't need to touch the air file for that... just make sure your AI aircraft does not have a panel entry in it's aircraft.cfg or make sure it has no panel folder. In case you still want to look into the air file you want these programs: AirEd v1.52 by William M. Roth
Aircraft Airfile Manager v2.2 by Karl-Heinz Klotz They should be available for free on several flightsim websites, just Google for it.


Aircraft Type = 0 , the aircrafts disappears from the menu. Aircraft Type = 2 , you see it in the menu. btw I use AirEd.

OK. I downloaded the editor but still NO JOY. Heck when I open the airfile, it already shows Aircraft Type = 0 yet it shows in the menu. I just went back to my old method. I simply delete the Manufacturer's Name from the config file. The airplane still shows up in the menu but, it is under "unspecified." I don't ever look there anyway. That works for a dummy like me.

Just reverse the 0 and 2 in that post above. 0 is a normal flyable and 2 is AI. If you're using AirEd, right-click on the record # and click Info for a little extra help on most items.
Thanks guys but, no matter what I try to put in that line, for some reason or another it simply does not change. I thought it might be a read protection thingy or something. I tried to change that too but, I really don't know what the heck I'm doing when it comes to these kind of things. Like I said earlier, it's under "unspecified" now so I am happy.

Assuming you are using AirEd, when you change the number, tab and save should work, you have to save just changing the no in the interface does nothing unless it is saved.
After changing the entry from 0 to 2 or 2 to 0 press the return key. Don't try to save your entry with "save" or "save as". After you have made your change simply close the prog. (x) You will be asked if you want to save your changes.

You HAVE to do SAVE (NOT 'Save As') to save your changes to air file. Then, to 'see' changes, you have to re-load the Cessna, then re-load the airplane that had Air file changes made. (With 'aircraft.cfg' all you have to do is re-load the airplane that had cfg changes made to THOSE changes to be 'seen' (take effect)). Making backup of cfg and air file (right click, choose 'Copy', click anywhere and right click again and choose 'paste') will preserve a 'last good' (working) copy of both. THEN make changes. Cheers.
Chuck B
For me, just removing the panel and sound folders from the main folder, and/or removing reference to them in the cfg does NOT work. I use Aired, made it the default opener for airfiles in Windows.
Quick and dirty steps to change visible to invisible once the airfile is opened-

1. Find "aircraft type". Will be either "0" (visible) or "2" (invisible). If "0", continue, if "2", you are done.

2. Left click on "type" line, opens the editor for that line.

3. Left click on right of number, installs curser,

4. Backspace key, removes digit, (You MUST remove the digit to overwrite the new one.)

5. Number "2" key,

6. "ctrl+S" key combo "saves" change.

7. Close window, you're done.

Each new file opening will open in new window, so close each one when finished.
The Aircraft type is defined by segment 105 in the air file.....it is way up toward the top. In a lot of the AI I have been installing, it is the first or second line since most AI air files do not contain all the segments found in a full fledged air file. And I have lots of purpose built AI aircraft that come set at Type 0 and show up in the selection window. I have been most of them changed over to Type 2 to keep my selection window thingie smaller....as if any sim with 400 flyable aircraft installed can have a small selection window thingie.

Hi, check if air file is not read only, oh and to make aircraft ai only i use [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]BBQ Hide AI[/FONT] program (just search for bbq hide ai on avsim)
Air File How-To

Well, maybe it's a good time to cover what you can do and how to do edits to air file. There is a mechanical side to edits (cfg or text document). They involve your mouse (cursor) and 'delete', 'backspace', 'arrow keys' and 'ENTER' keys.

You click on line (ie: 'type=0'). This 'opens' that line for edit. Your cursor will be in a box next to '0'. You can then highlight (hold left mouse button and drag) the '0' and whatever number you enter next will replace the highlighted digits. Or, you can use arrow keys to move cursor around anywhere inside of this box. You can use delete key or backspace key. You then enter '2' after '='. If you enter a dis-allowed digit/letter AirEd will let you know.

When you have finished entering 'new' value, press 'Enter' key to 'finish' the edit. (And: what position your cursor is inside of box (when you press 'Enter') does NOT matter at all). Then do a 'Save' (as Windows will remember which air file you are working on).

Only time you MAY need to do 'Save As' is when you want to save it to another folder (which I often do when I forgot to make a 'copy of' the original air file, or, when I want to save under a different name). If you close ('X out') AirEd it WILL ask you if you want to 'Save' (any) changes (notice it's 'Save' and not 'Save As' (hehe)). Cheers.
Chuck B