Editing aircraft for specific countries?


Charter Member
Dont know if anyone has done this,but I would like to put specific aircraft
into specific country folders ,like the F6F into US or put the Jap planes
into Germanys side. What do I need to do for this.

....oh,and after I'm finished cleaning up a bit,I will try posting a game
for this weekend,so hope to see some of you online! <Salutes>
It's easy if you're not afraid of some code crunching. Find the XDP file of the aircraft you want to modify and open it. Notepad recommended as the program used. While it may look like an impenetrable mess at the first glance find the part that says Country="Britain" or something similar. This is the thing you'll want to modify.

The code for Great Britain is "Britain", USA is "USA" and Germany is "Germany" - logical, don't you think? Change it as you wish, save, delete the BDP file, you're good to go.

Another step towards a better country selection would be the NEK alias National Expansion Kit, available at the following link. It gives you correct nationalities for all your add-on aircraft.

Many Thanks

Haah!,...I would have never guessed it to be that easy! I did look at some of that,but like you first said,at first glance I'm going,"Holy-Gobbeldy Gook"!

Cant thank you enough for bringing a sense of,"Easier-than-it-looks".