Editing an XML file


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Hi all
My computer literacy (or lack of) is showing again. I'm trying to modify an xml file which is part of a voice V-speed add-on I would like to add to one of my aircraft. The speeds in the XMl are too low for a large jet and I would like to edit them. So far I can extract the info and edit with notepad but have been unable to return it to the original file.
Suggestions appreciated.
Right click on the xml file and choose edit from the drop down menu, that will open it in notepad.
When you save it the original xml will be changed.

Don't forget to back it up somewhere first just in case.
I personally prefer NotePad++ for editing .XML files.
I set them to NotePad++ as their default editor, so I can just double click them and they open in NotePad++. It will open the xml file in a format that makes them very editable and easy to read through for specifics, or search through with the Find feature, just like Notepad. You can edit to your heart's content, then hit save, and it will save it as an XML, or whatever it was when you opened it. Or, you can select Save As, and select from a huge list of file types. It's how I convert .txt, or whatever, to HTML files so they can be used in FSX on the Kneeboard as a Checklist page, or as a Reference page. Just open the .txt file, then click Save As and choose HTM, and bingo, brand new Checklist file for FSX :encouragement:
And you will still have the original .txt file as well. Very handy.

It's a freeware, readily available. Just Google, or Bing, NotePad++ and you will get very easily recognizable download sites. Support sites for questions, too. It's super easy to install, and you can set it to open certain file types without having to set them individually.

If you can't tell, I really like it :untroubled:
Have fun!
Hi folks
Thanks for the help so far. When I right click the XML file I am only given 2 options - extract or copy. If I then extract to the documents folder I can edit the file in notepad but so far am unable to transfer the modified file back into the original folder - which in my case is a gauge folder. I am given a red symbol which I interpret to be an indicator that the file is not or cannot be moved. I am in P3D v3.4 with Windows 10.
I appreciate everything.
Warren , I see what you are trying to do , you are opening a .cab file and changing the .xml inside it , you cannot do that , you would need to unzip the cab file then inside find the .xml and edit it a said. then it will save . You may want to rezip the file to a .cab , for this there are guides in the web for this , or leave it as a folder and will be used the same ..(a .cab file is more efficient).
see this


Jorge and all
Thank you! I was able to edit and re-install the gauge. The sppeds are now close to correct for a dc-8-63. I appreciate the help very much.