Editing the GSL file?


Charter Member
I would like to add an airbase into my copy of CFS3, but I'm not too sure how to do it. If anyone would be willing to provide asssistance, that would be great! I also am releasing the Battle of Britain missions next week.
Thanks :jump:
Hi Grover1

You cannot edit the gsl as such. You need to add your airbase to the global_laser.csv and re-make the gsl file using the make_gsl.bat file in CFS3 Terrain SDK.

Which base do you want to add?

PM me with your e-mail as I have just added tens of new 8th and 9th AAF bases to the upcoming 1.20 version of ETO.
Thank you! I got it figured out. I would also like to invite you to work on a project with me(and everyone else). PM me for info and if you are interested.