editing xpd files


Charter Member
This is for ETP 1.40 on Win 7 Home Premium 64bit.

I just tried to make a minor mod to an xpd for the fov values.

Saved the file, and when I tried to start ETO, it wouldn't recognize the xpd, saying it was corrupted.

I only changed two sets of numbers in the pilot's station for FOV up and FOV down, being careful to change only those numerals inside their quotation marks.

Somewhere in the back of my mind is a recollection of someone else's experience along these lines, and wondered if I am simply misremembering or is there a trick to editing and saving these xpd's in win 7

Usually its just a typo, very hard to spot sometimes. Try to open the file in an xml editor - it will tell you exactly where the syntax error is, line and position. There are several free xml editors about, just can't remember names as not on the CFS 'puter at the moment.

good luck,
Usually its just a typo, very hard to spot sometimes. Try to open the file in an xml editor - it will tell you exactly where the syntax error is, line and position. There are several free xml editors about, just can't remember names as not on the CFS 'puter at the moment.

good luck,

Hmmm. So you're saying spelling counts?:icon_lol:

I thought I was being truly scupulous, but I do acknowledge the outside possibility that I might have made a mistake...:kilroy:

I'll go get an xml editor and give it a try, and see what I might have stepped on. I unfortunately for this case ditched the bad file and replaced it with its original, so I'll have to try to replicate the experiment.

I was sort of puzzled by the fact that when I looked at windows permissions for the folder, they were greyed out. Haven't solved that riddle yet, but it's still somewhat early.

Thanks, D.

UPDATE: I went and got XML Notepad and brought up the file. It shows no errors in the file. Saved it from the xml editor and get the same result.
A great mystery continues.

I'll never know what happened. I redid my file security permissions, and went and got another xml editor and started the editing from scratch, and everything performed as it should.

D is right; somewhere in the initial process, something got stepped on somehow, but I'll never find it.
End of problem.
Just copy and paste the code for us to laugh at (look at)


HARRUMPHH! Very funny, very funny. Actually, I can't; I s***canned it, lest it infest something else somehow. But I do appreciate the offer.:blind::rolleyes:

I actually do know a bit about xml coding and I have now decided that it may have been as much a matter of windows permissions as much as anything. It would not be the first time windows did something which found its way into the Journal of Irreproducible Results. After I went through all the little hoops of fire to get the permissions to look right (not greyed out) the problem evaporated.

There is a haiku:
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that

Oh well. That was then, this is now. Moving right along...