EditVoicePack in Windows 7


Charter Member
I've been having some issues with getting EVP to install correctly on my Windows 7 laptop, something to do with an incorrect dot net format I think, has anyone suceeded in getting it to work?

I know you need netframework for it to work and I've heard of folks having problems with Netframework and Win 7. Sorry I'm not any more help.
You have to get the correct .net framework version. They are not cumulative, separate versions are used by separate programs and EVP is one of them that needs one of the older versoins.

Does the error message tell you which .netframework version it is looking for?

I have 6 different .net framework programs on my XP setup so I know EVP runs off of one of those.
According to the website, EditVoicePack X uses .NET Framework version 3.5 while earlier versions use version 1.1. Make sure you get the 32 or 64 bit version to correspond with your version of Win 7, though check what the Microsoft download pages say about version compatibility,
hope that helps,
cheers for the advice guys, its been a while since i tried it and the idea just came up again. i'll have another attempt soon.