Effects Positioning


Staff member
I was adjusting some muzzle flash effects on Lynn Rogers' Bell 204 (UH-1 Huey) gunship so the flashes would match the position of the gatling guns when I hit the smoke key. The original flash positions were above and behind the gun muzzles. I can adjust the positions fore and aft and left and right, but not up or down. Regardless of what up/down value I put in, the flashes stay about a foot or more above where they should be. If anybody has encountered this before and figured out how to fix it, please let me know. It aggravates me when I can't make simple adjustments to a plane. :banghead:
In FS9, the vertical axis value of the smoke effect does not work. Instead, you will have to modify the *.fx file that you are using. Alternatively and most likely much easier is putting the *.fx file into the LIGHTS section. Note you will need a gauge that triggers that particular light channel to control the effect.
Thanks guys for the gauge suggestion, will try it tonight when I get home from work. I never knew about the vertical restriction for smoke effects in FS9, now I'm a little smarter. :)
The rcbsc-12 gauge package worked very well on the Huey. To avoid editing the .xml file I renamed a gatling gun sound as the Spit cannon sound so I have the rapid-fire buzz of a gatling when the guns fire. Positioned the cannon effects on each side of the helo at the muzzles of the guns and I was good to go. Hard to capture visual fx on a screen shot but you get the idea (see below) :)