Effects TIs Markers Flares, et.


Some questions on the related effects.

I note a very small angle of visions within which one can see the effects, How can that be altered?

The time that effects are lasting. How is that altered? What do the emission time figures mean in real time?

Brightness. How altered?
I think some of these were answered by the document I posted earlier. The viewing angle is frustrating, it appears to be hard coded as a way of freeing up PC resources by not rendering effects off screen, which is normally fine, but with something like a flare is less than ideal. In addition to what is detailed in the above mentioned document, Ankor's shaders now by default apply ambient lighting to effect textures, meaning that at night they will be pretty dark, which is great for things like spent shells, smoke, etc. For things that would remain bright at night, like lights, fires, and flares, the textures for those effects can be added to a list of full bright sprites found in the texture magic.ini. Just make sure you only add the actual fire or flare texture, and not associated smoke or other textures or it may look odd.
Ok but I note all the entries there are texture dds files while I'm not sure where to find those relevant to the fx effects such as fx_sky_marker_yellow and similar.

EDIT: Assume can only use those in the effects folder?
The textures are called for in the effects xml as a part of each effect. An easier way might be to just look at what each texture looks like in the fxtextures folder and decide which ones would be bright at night and add those to the list.