Effects tuorial needed


Is there one anywhere? Need to know what all the different things, like "EmissionSpread" really mean and how they can be made to vary.
Is there one anywhere? Need to know what all the different things, like "EmissionSpread" really mean and how they can be made to vary.

Gidday mate, I came across what you need in my backup files just recently. When I get onto my gaming rig, I could upload it otherwise PM me and I will email it to you direct.
Not my work by the way, I think that's one of the Aces guys that wrote it. I got it from Guy (fox) ages ago.
Thanks Daniel. I recently emailed Guy on that but no reply. Not sure he's even using that email any more. That looks exactly what I needed!:applause:
I've not heard from Guy in a long long time; he just kind of disappeared. Hopefully he's still doing well.