effects.xml-double entry


Charter Member
Looking at the effects.xml I have noticed that some effects have double and in some cases triple entries. Should one of them be deleted since they are not exactly the same? If so which one should be kept?
I think you should post the text file of the xml in order that an opinion can be reached by the savvy. You don't want to mess that file up I just had a devil of a job fixing Ultimate Traffic 2's xml which got corrupted.
For instance:
<fx_bltwtr_m ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="fx_bltwtr_s"/>
<fx_bltwtr_m ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="W_Plume_bullet_Tiny_baseRing" Effect1="Shockwave_as_Wake_Tiny5" Effect2="Shockwave_as_Foam_Tiny5" Effect3="W_Plume_bullet_Tiny2_opt" Effect4="Shockwave_as_Wake_Tiny4_delayed" Effect5="W_Plume_bullet_S1" Effect6="*W_Plume_bullet_M_base3" Effect7="W_Heave_cannon_small"/>
Two things in my experiments with 'effects.xml' I've noticed... one is MANY entries are so similar they appear to be duplicates when in fact, they ain't. ...and also, double entries do not always create a problem. Whatever you do, don't forget to back up your original file whilst performing any experiments... :mixed-smiley-010:

You could try a wee experiment. Fly a plane with guns that use a round with the watereffect fx_bltwtr_m. Shoot at some water and see what the water hit effect looks like.

Then take out what looks to be the stock bullet water medium effect (the shorter one) and go shoot some more water, see if the effect has changed. Not at my CFS comp at the moment, can't take a quick looksee to see if for example the Hispano 20mm would do the trick.
Duplicate entries will not cause any issues. I'm pretty sure that with duplicate entries the game only sees the one closest to the bottom of the file (it could be the one closest to the top, I can't recall for certain).
Just checked one of my modified stock installs. There is only one entry for the bltwtr_m effect. It was the longer, more complex one.