Electra NSFA->NPS


Charter Member
Well I must have gotten close. Because this Version of Earhart's Electra has the same feel of hoisting a barn door into the air that the one I modified did when you try to get off with the tanks topped off.

NSFA->NPS 2267.7 miles. I flew it around Edwards to get used to it then took off on the course I plotted 3 years ago. At least there is a Sperry on board. Not the constant correction that I had to do on the Spirit. Wonder how far I'll get?:running:
Well from Hawaii (Ford Island) the route goes to San Francisco. Then to Mexico City, then to Caracas, and on to Natal and Monrovia. I have a pile of papers here and haven't found page 2 yet I think the trip across Africa will have to change in any case because there are not many places that will allow landing. It would be best to set off across the Indian Ocean from the Horn of Africa, but that's not possible.