Eliminating Chrome wheels on FSX A-26 ?


Probably due to advancing age and declining memory , where might I find the fix for the chrome wheels and also the latest paints for the FSX native A-26 by John Terrell ? I read through several pages here at SOH on a thread that someone started on the FSX converted A-26 with all the paints and modifications along with mention of the chrome wheels but didn't find the correction . I did download the file here that John posted . Meantime , I'll keep looking . If someone could throw some names at me that repainted the A-26 , I would appreciate it . I'm running P3D v2.4 . Sorry if this has been discussed at length before . Reading again through http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforu...d-Files-Download&highlight=A-26+chrome+wheels in

Hi Rich,
For Dx10 it is required to change any 8 bit textures (and there are a few). Dx10 Fixer will do it for you so I'm not sure what it changes them to but it's the 8 bit that cause the chrome tyres..
Thanks Roger , I'll give that a try . Really like Milton/John's work on the A-26 (along with all the other SOH contributors)


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Hi Rich,
For Dx10 it is required to change any 8 bit textures (and there are a few). Dx10 Fixer will do it for you so I'm not sure what it changes them to but it's the 8 bit that cause the chrome tires..
Same problem in P3D when I loaded the A-26. . .looked at the textures and found that some were simply 256color, if you find any like that, change them to 32bit 888. You'll find that same problem with the popular P-3 Orion. However, with that airplane it isn't the tires. . .it's the entire VC, lol. If you happen to try that airplane, first convert all the VC textures that are 256 color. . .those are the offending textures.