Elmendorf AFB by Military AI Works


SOH Staff
New from MAIW, Elmendorf comes alive!

Elmendorf AFB Complete AI Package Version 2

File Description:
Military AI Works is proud to bring you the Elmendorf AFB Complete AI Package Version 2 for FS2004. This package depicts the units of the mighty and unique 3rd Wing stationed at Elmendorf AFB. This is a completely updated and stand-alone version and does not require version 1 of this package. Credits: Models by Nick Black, PAI and Henry Tomkiewicz, FDE/Effects by Mike MacIntyre, John Stinstrom, Nick Needham and Henry Tomkiewicz, Repaints by Graham King and Michael Pearson, Flightplans by Edith O'Connell, AFCADs by Edith O'Connell and Mike Guenthner and Callsigns by Stewart Pearson

Filename: maiw_elmendorf_afb.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 29th March 2009
Downloads: 180
Author: Edith O'Connell, Military AI Works (MAIW)
Size: 21973kb

Get it at www.avsim.com

Cheers! Mike :ernae::wiggle:
:friday:.....If it wasn't for MAIW, I would have lost interest in FS a LONG time ago!!:woot: This one is absolutely superb! Scenery and all!
Outstanding. Been there a few times on deployments and always wondered why no one had ever done anything with that base. . .thanks MAIW!!