Have been trying out this much revised aircraft and have been enjoying its good handling and very good 2D and VC. Have experienced a number of port and starboard engine shut downs both on take-off and in flt. I think these events are related to the electric and avionics panel, which is in Spanish, I think. There is something that I am omitting to switch or straying out of some control parameters.
Anyone else flying this nice turbo-prop at present and had similar experience? If so any solution or corrections for me to apply as I cannot read the instructions or flt manual.
Would like to understand where I am going wrong as it has a really nice 'hand-flyer' feel about it and a small but realistic sound file.
Any advice much appreciated.
Anyone else flying this nice turbo-prop at present and had similar experience? If so any solution or corrections for me to apply as I cannot read the instructions or flt manual.
Would like to understand where I am going wrong as it has a really nice 'hand-flyer' feel about it and a small but realistic sound file.
Any advice much appreciated.