Embraer-110 by aeroproyecto


Have been trying out this much revised aircraft and have been enjoying its good handling and very good 2D and VC. Have experienced a number of port and starboard engine shut downs both on take-off and in flt. I think these events are related to the electric and avionics panel, which is in Spanish, I think. There is something that I am omitting to switch or straying out of some control parameters.

Anyone else flying this nice turbo-prop at present and had similar experience? If so any solution or corrections for me to apply as I cannot read the instructions or flt manual.

Would like to understand where I am going wrong as it has a really nice 'hand-flyer' feel about it and a small but realistic sound file.

Any advice much appreciated.

Not really sure if this is the answer, but I had the same problem when flying around Rio de Janeiro and nowhere else. In my case I wasn't watching the gauges enough and I ran the engines outside the green arcs, when I kept them within the limits, no more shutdowns :)

I guess the warmer temperatures around Rio might make the engine control more tricky. I'm not a real pilot so I cannot say if it's more true to real life than other models.

All the PDF's have the English text down below (scroll to bottom). I have this in FSX, and after reading the 'failures' PDF, I just went and used a different panel-to avoid the failures-and just fly. If I was flying the real plane I of course would learn the various proceedures so I did not experience engine failures, etc.
Chuck B
Brilliant model.

Just make sure all the switches ( with green lights ), in the pop up panels, are on.

Not at my sim right now, but can take some screenshots tonight if needed.

Very nice little plane and easy to fly. Superb job on the panel and gauges and excellent visual model. Pete beat me to the punch on the pop-up switches, eventually I figured it out though. A technique I use to keep engines from overheating, like in the case of Manfred's Constellations, is to gently pitch the props to gradually bring the RPM's down, once substantial lift and airspeed have been established. Helps to keep the engine gauge needles "in the green".


Thanks for the swift replies guys. I have now read the flt manual and hints, plus used all of your advice (not had to change the cockpit).

Like the NAMC YS-11, the engines must be kept in the green and the advice on reducing the prop revs after climb-out is key.

Thanks again
