Enable the Hakenkruz permanently !


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Can someone tell me what to write in the .ini file in the Game folder to enable it permanently, lost my copy of the "do" text. :kilroy:
Happy Landings
Old Eagle
I'm with you Old Eagle. Perhaps your about my age. I think this ommission of the Hakenkreuz on German aircraft is the idealized product of some liberal tree-huggers mind somewhere. The truth is what it is. German airplanes wore swastikas. So be it.
in [game] section of conf.ini add a line:


it works with il2 1946 edition
In big letters for you Helldiver: No the omission of the Hakenkreuz is not "the idealized product of some liberal tree-huggers mind somewhere", but Order Nr.1 of the Allied Control Assembly of 8/30/1945 which interdicts Germans "das Tragen von militärischen Uniformen, Orden und anderen Abzeichen" (I translate) "wearing military uniforms, medals and other symbols" (of the Wehrmacht) and furthermore the German Penalty Law which says in paragraph § 86a concerning the use of symbols of organisations threatening the German constitution, I quote:

Auszug aus dem Strafgesetzbuch:
§ 86a Verwenden von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger Organisationen

(1) Mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe wird bestraft, wer

1. im Inland Kennzeichen einer der in § 86 Abs. 1 Nr. 1, 2 und 4 bezeichneten Parteien oder Vereinigungen verbreitet oder öffentlich, in einer Versammlung oder in von ihm verbreiteten Schriften (§ 11 Abs. 3) verwendet oder

2. Gegenstände, die derartige Kennzeichen darstellen oder enthalten, zur Verbreitung oder Verwendung im Inland oder Ausland in der in Nummer 1 bezeichneten Art und Weise herstellt, vorrätig hält, einführt oder ausführt.

(2) Kennzeichen im Sinne des Absatzes 1 sind namentlich Fahnen, Abzeichen, Uniformstücke, Parolen und Grußformen. Den in Satz 1 genannten Kennzeichen stehen solche gleich, die ihnen zum verwechseln ähnlich sind.

(3) § 86 Abs. 3 und 4 gilt entsprechend.
"(1) punished by law with prison up to three years or a fee will who:


(1) uses or distributes those symbols publicly in Germany, in an assembly or in distributed media and

(2) fabricates, imports, exports or keeps in stock objects which wear or contain such symbols (...)

This is our law, in this case started with an order of the Allied in 1945, thanks for your respect Helldiver.
I don't know who was the "Allied Control Center" or what ever they called themselves, they never asked me. I would have told them that such a rediculous lie would never stand. Symbols don't kill people. People kill people. They were just as heavy handed as the Furhrer they just got rid of.
Never underestimate the gross stupidity of a gang of people, especially if they call themselves the "Allied Control Center".
It's been over 60 years. It's time that we forgot all this foolishness.
You have to understand that all organisations "threatening the democratic constitution" are forbidden in today's Germany. This is a limit to freedom of expression that is a difference in Germany vs. USA. It results directly from our terrible experience of dictatorship and terror regime. Along with the interdiction of those organisations comes the interdiction of their symbols. This concerns not only the Hakenkreuz.
Guy's !

It's been over 60 years. It's time that we forgot all this foolishness.

Most of us do not forget !

Old Eagle
Chill, Naus.

He be a yank... ce can use it legally i think.
Germans may not use it, but others can.
I know i can. legally. no wories.

Let us take a look at reality:
Many german publications not censoring the Hakenkreuz either, because they describe history.
Hobby Magazines for modeling planes do however. Plane modeling and RC flying isnt about history, its about fun and therefor can not show that cross.

So there are exceptions... but only for the germans, ie... YOU.

Solution? Become a belgian and legaly paint your 109 the "complete" way. If you wish that is.

But please, dont tell others in BOLD 24point its illegal in germanm to put pressure on them to remove that sign... hm?:wiggle:

I understand your feelings, What you say is true, but does not necessarily apply to others, eh...

One thing is fer sure

they still cant make up their minds...:costumes:
Hey the bold 24 points was to make it readable for Helldiver. I know it's looking like I am shouting, but that was really not the intention. I agree however on the last sentence: It's over 60 years ago and we should all move on. However, we have established a law that interdicts the Hakenkreuz in most conditions, and I agree personally with it. We must not forget that many laws are also done under pressure. I don't even dare imagine what Jews living in Germany, or what Israel would say if we may display the HK again, and even if it's for fun.
bene, bene... i thought you were putting pressure on us...:wiggle:
wich isnt your usual way to handle things, and surprised me a bit.:icon_lol:

on topic, i dont really care much abot Hcrosses on or Hcrosses off, but i prefer them on - without them, there is something missing, "the sign of evil" if i may call it like that.

It keeps me aware on what side i am flying, if i wear a skin with them. Ad awareness of what happened is important.
yess i rember riding that the swasticka can only be used in germy for historical reason only!!!!!!
where do i find the "conf.ini" file aney way?

In your Il2 folder, there will be an icon labeled "conf", open it with a text editor, Windows Note Pad works just fine for this job. Make a back up copy of the config file before you do anything!!!!!