enabling CFS3 to 1920x1080


Charter Member
hi guys, wondering if buying a LCD TV 32" with 1920x1080 resol.
what do you think, is this dumb? and what about enabling CFS3 to such a resol? thanks in advance for any tipps and ideas.... best regards, gianluca
not sure, but last time I changed my screen for a 22' LCD, cfs3config immediately picked up the resolution and proposed it in the relevant menu.
Hello Gianluca,

I use a Vizio 32" HD TV as my computer monitor, CFS3 and all the different addon theatre's work fine. :d
If your GPU and CPU can handle it, go for it. I recently "rediscovered" CFS3 after building a PC with a Core2Duo and an 8800GT video card. Plugged it into a Sharp 32" at 1920x1080px32 with image qualities at 4's and 5's. I'm simply stunned by MAW, PTO and ETO. Rarely a studder.

Now I just have to relearn how to fly.
CFS3 will run at whatever your video card (and driver) can handle under Windows - something MS really got right first time. IIRC (and it was a while ago) Bear has had his rig at 1920x1600 before.

@bzh - a 22 foot monitor?? do you use that outdoors??? :costumes:
I can confirm that CFS3 really comes alive with super high resolutions. My progression has been 1024x768 - 1152x864 - 1680x1050 - 1920x1200 and every step has been forward. This might be the end of the road for a while though, my wallet can't take any higher.
Ive played cfs3 on a projector with a 7ftx7ft screen. TOTALLY AWESOME. Sit close enough you get vertigo, and you dont need tags because you can see enemy aircraft coming from realistic distances.:ernae: